Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The End is Near...errr, Tomorrow

Tomorrow I leave for home for about 3 weeks. Let me rephrase that. Tomorrow I leave for home for about 6 days. The rest of my time will be spent in Orange City to catch up with friends and refuel my heritage with the Tulip Festival, driving to Michigan with a few stops on the way to see dear friends and some of the people I spent time with in Uganda, and a wonderful wedding weekend where I will see one my darling "children" get married to her best friend. June 12 I will fly back to California and start my job for the summer at UCR (anyone watch undercover boss a few weeks ago?).
Last night and today have been full of work, packing, organizing, and farewells. I will miss the wonderfulness that was this year but I do look forward to the new beginnings that next year will bring. While I am sad about losing a few dear friends to their new jobs, I know that next year I will only grow closer with my already thickly knit cohort and new friendships that were formed this past year. Though the following pictures don't even begin to portray the depth of my year, I figured I owe everyone at least a small explanation of what I did this past year:)
I planned events, visited the beach, and had new experiences with my cohort.

People came to visit and I went to visit others:)

I took a couple wedding pictures and a lot of regular ones.

I sat in the armpit of a troll in Seattle and stood on the side of a stage in San Pedro.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Descaling, Owner's Manuals, and Dry Leaves

Today, or all weekend really, all I needed to do apart from a group meeting was write a measly 4 page reflection paper. For those of you who know me you may realize this is nothing and would probably take an hour, 2 tops. But for some reason I have come up with every possible way to avoid it. For example, instead of writing my paper I have:
-Cleaned up our mini patio by sweeping/bagging many leaves and making our patio furniture shine by dusting it, washing it with a plain rag, then soapy, then plain, then drying it...twice
-Cleaned other areas of the house
-Descaled the espresso machine
-Read the owners manual for my car instead of just the small section on checking levels
-Packed and organized stuff to bring home (in 2 weeks)
-Finished a book and read 3/4 of another
-Written this blog post
-Looked at other blogs
-Straightened my hair
-Went to a movie this afternoon
-Uploaded photos to facebook
I did other things of course...but I listed the abnormal ones only. As you may be able to see I am finding many many ways to procrastinate. Why the sudden lack of motivation? I blame it on timing. You see, at Northwestern right now finals are happening. My body is so used to shutting down at this time that I have been innocently and inadvertently affected by my past. So boo you's all your fault that I am failing at writing my paper that is due in the morning.
Clever eh how I am passing my faults and making obscure but potentially plausible connections? I thought so.